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Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

EASTCONN’s Leading and Learning Team supports schools and districts in the region through high-quality coaching, collaboration and professional learning experiences that build capacity and lead to sustainable, coherent and systemic change to best support students and learning.

Social and Emotional Learning asks learners three core questions: 

    • How can intrapersonal skills like self-awareness and self-management help me to know myself better and build my self-confidence?
    • How can interpersonal skills like cooperation and communication help me to work more effectively with others?
    • How can higher order thinking skills like analysis, synthesis, and innovative problem solving help me to make more responsible decisions as I try to make sense of the world around me?
For individuals, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) means getting in touch with one’s own intrapersonal skills, which often involves increased goal-setting, management of one’s own time and energy, and getting a better sense of one’s emotions. SEL promotes understanding interpersonal skills: how an individual interacts with others and the world around them by using collaboration, teamwork, and communication. Social and Emotional Learning, finally, teaches students how to harness the collaborative skills they’ve learned in order to tackle global problems by breaking them down and testing creative, innovative solutions.

Council on Social and Emotional Learning

EASTCONN’s Council on Social and Emotional Learning serves as a community of practice where members will share promising approaches, troubleshoot challenges, and collaborate to help elevate and improve our understanding and effective implementation of social and emotional learning in our schools. See the EASTCONN Events Calendar for dates and times.

EASTCONN is a public, non-profit, Regional Educational Service Center, which has been serving the education needs of northeastern Connecticut schools and communities since 1980.

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